I crediti di carbonio (CDR) di Marlegno sono generati dalla produzione e dalla lavorazione di elementi in legno massiccio o ingegnerizzato (elementi in legno lamellare incollato, CLT, etc.) a destinazione strutturale.
Marlegno's carbon credits (CDR) are generated from the production and processing of solid or engineered wood elements (glued laminated timber elements, CLT, etc.) for structural purposes.
FOR SALES TO AN ITALIAN IVA SUBJECT (ITALIAN COMPANY) Service subject to reverse charge (accounting inversion) pursuant to Art. 17, subsection 6, lett. d-ter of D.P.R. n. 633/1972.
FOR SALES TO A NON-ITALIAN IVA SUBJECT (PRIVATE CONSUMER) Supply subject to ordinary IVA 22%. A distinction is made between intra-Community and foreign sales outside Italy to non-residents. The general rule for services in B2B relations for European subjects, contained in Art. 7-ter of D.P.R. n. 633 of 1972, provides that the tax is due in the State where the purchaser is established.
FOR SALES TO AN INTRA-COMMUNITY IVA PERSON Service subject to reverse charge (reverse charge) pursuant to Art. 7-ter, subsection 1, lett. a, of D.P.R. n. 633/1972
FOR SALES TO A FOREIGN IVA SUBJECT (NON-EU COMPANY) Supply not subject to IVA pursuant to Art. 7-ter, subsection 1, lett. a, of D.P.R. n. 633/1972
In stock (2292 available)
Duration (Years)
Year of issue
Metodologia per i biobased materials Metodologia per la rimozione della CO2 Carbon Planet Standard